Category Archives: Uncategorized

Day 12 – Did not get wet!

Despite a bad forecast, the day started dry and clouded over towards the end. The afternoon was really hard going as it was mostly up hill and against the head wind. The other thing noticeable is how the road surface … Continue reading

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Day 11

Another day of nice weather. Plenty of climbing. Weather forecast for the weekend is frankly “Pants”. I have been doing these rides in Spain since 2013 and I have never known the weather to be so unstable. The destination hotel … Continue reading

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Day 10 – Moving south

As can be seen from the profile, still plenty of climbing. The Destination is Agreda where I stopped on my 2019 tour. This time I had an apartment with a washing machine so was spared hand washing all my kit! … Continue reading

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Day 9 – Starts wet and gets dry

Heavy rain all night, so all roads have plenty of surface water. Drizzle was just about constant until I escaped the Pyrenees. The Hotel was really great, but as the route is very popular with the Camio De Santiago fraternity, … Continue reading

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Day 8 – Its wet and where its not wet, its very wet!

Forecast is poor for the next couple of days. The only good thing is that I have a tail wind. This leg take me across the border into Spain. No passport stamping (remember when we could just turn up in … Continue reading

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Day 7 – Stayed dry!

Lots of rain in the forecast and dodging rain is going to be the theme over the next few days until I get well into Spain. Riding getting more interesting as small hill and winding roads replace the straight roads … Continue reading

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Day 6 Traffic free – Really not interesting

The Medoc is very flat and whilst the forest routes have traffic free routes on former railways tracks. The view was just about the same along most of the route. Trees, Trees and more trees! So far – 444 Miles … Continue reading

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Day 5 – Medoc Country

I had wanted to go to Soulac-Sur-Mer where I have had some amazing holidays in the 80s. On this occasion, all the hotels were booked, but I did manage to find a nice spot in Le Verdon just up the … Continue reading

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Day 4 – Dodging the rain!

Weather have been challenging today. I decided on later start (1100 ish) as weather was due to be very wet until 1200. I got 4 miles into the trip and the heavens opened up!  Luckily I was passing a cafe, … Continue reading

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Day 3 – Hot and sticky

Good progress today as I continue South towards Spain. It was a bit overcast to start with, then the sun came out where it got to a very humid 32 degrees. Here is the route map. Weather forcast is for … Continue reading

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