Day 6 Traffic free – Really not interesting

The Medoc is very flat and whilst the forest routes have traffic free routes on former railways tracks. The view was just about the same along most of the route. Trees, Trees and more trees!

So far – 444 Miles complete for this tour !

In the past, I have cycled to Lege and then down the Cap Feret strip. Generally not a nice route. This time I headed inland as the old rail route continued. Basically this is a 40 mile traffic free route that still goes on further.

First stop is Soulac Plage for a coffee and Almond Croissant.

The Forrest in the Medoc areas is a huge fire risk! Towers like this all over the place to spot fires. Frustrating to see a walker having a smoke and the flicking his butt into dry grass!

The cycle track is well funded and mostly maintained. Only a few spots where tree roots make the surface bumpy.

An opportunity to give the tires some wind!

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