Good progress today as I continue South towards Spain. It was a bit overcast to start with, then the sun came out where it got to a very humid 32 degrees. Here is the route map.
Weather forcast is for storms in the morning so its going to be a late start. Just as well as I cannot get into the hotel at the destination until after 1800.
Todays route was a mile longer due to a detour I had to take as a rail crossing was closed.
Just under 10 miles from the Hotel and its time for the first coffee of the day in Redon Port.
The rather odd looking plane flew over me during the ride. It belongs to Airbus and used to transport wings.
At mile 50 its the Loire crossing. Free of charge. During my last visit, there were bars on each side- both now closed – victim of Covid 19 lockdowns?
Mile 55 and I am about to pass through a village full of very clever people.