Day 2 – Road trip continues in France

Calm crossing last night. Restaurant on the MV Bretange was up to the normal high standard with nice wine to help the food go down.

Weather was really good today and 72 miles complete. Going to keep the distance at the 70 Mile range for now as I get used to the bike again. Its different to the one I normally (as I did for Leg 1.
So here is today’s map.
  It was a bit hilly, and tomorrow will start off with hills and then flatten out.

So here are some pictures. For some reason, the bulk import put them in reverse order and I cannot not be bothered to sort it! Beer pending!

About 12 miles from my destination for the day. Had to detour. Just as well as I hate riding on grit.

Coffee at mile 20. Café owner explained that he had a water filter system and the coffee came from PNG. His aim was to make the best coffee in France. To be fair, it was nice, but not as good as the Portuguese place next to my office in London!

Rough Riding!  But road improved after a mile.

La Rance seen from the East. On previous trip I followed a different route down the est side.

The morning approach to St Malo seen from the deck. This was about 20 mins after the wake up music which was an amazing Celtic style piece.

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Let the tour begin

We here we go!  Its the 2023 tour and a great send off from the team at the RUH. Also a nice card from the team at Save the Children UK.

The first short leg was to the Charmbury Arms for a couple of beers and then an evening with my Mum just up the road. The next day the real long distance riding started with the main part of Leg 1 down to Gosport.The weather was not so good. Plenty of rain and drizzle in the weather forecast. I managed to get quite wet between Norton-St-Phillip and Warminster. For the rest of the ride, I managed to dodge most of the rain.

Here are some pictures from the first leg.

The easiest way out of Bath is via the Linear Park where you can enter the Two Tunnels route which avoids a large hill. Despite taking the easy route at the start, I still had to tackle a nice climb out of Midford. By then I had warmed up.
This is a cycle track just to the north of Warminster. Its very grey and I am very wet. This is the point where the weather started to dry up.
2o miles down the road from Warminster and its still dry on Salisbury.  This is about the half-way point. Just down the road its time for a coffee and cake stop which is a mandatory part of any ride!

after just over 7 hours of riding, and 84.5 miles, I can see the sea!  So for now, its a pause for just over a week as I need to go back to work for a few days before setting off on the main part of the ride. Leg 2 will start on the Tues 22nd August from St Malo, France. Hoping for good weather!

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Emergency Response

Save the Children is one of the Charities I am raising money for during this road trip. Earlier this year, Turkey and Syria suffered from a massive Earthquake. In both countries, Save the Children was already active before the crisis and was able to swing into action.

From my team, I was able to deploy a technician who assisted with the set up of telecoms for our teams. This technician then joined me in Nepal to assist me in running Disaster Response and Preparedness Training. Here we had around 14 staff attending from across the Asia region.

Here is a short video about our response work in Turkey.


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Bath to Malaga Tour – 2023

My first mega-tour was in 2013, so we are ten years on and its time to raise more cash for charity. This year I am doing this ride in the memory of my late father “Colin Hawkins” who was always supporting my adventures. It would be amazing if you could support one of my charities via JustGiving.

1. Bath Royal United Hospital (RUHX)  – This is where my late father was looked after when he was taken ill by an amazing team of Nurses and Doctors and other staff. To donate please visit Mark Hawkins is fundraising for RUHX (

2. Save the Children UK – For my international friends, I am also raising money for Save the Children who I have had the pleasure to work for for the past 9 years. Save the Children maintains a disaster response fund. Money raised enable us to respond immediately to disasters around the world. I have personally been to quite a few in my time and recently my team have deployed to Turkey and Ukraine. To donate, please visit  Mark Hawkins is fundraising for Save the Children (

I will be setting off from the RUH in Bath on the 11th August on my first leg to Portsmouth Harbour. A week later I will start the main ride to Malaga.

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